@pic - image search
@gif - animation search
@bold - text formatting
@imdb - movie search
@youtube - search for videos on Youtube
@wiki - search for Wikipedia articles
@music - for listening to classical music
@myshowsmebot - series search
@ya - Yandex search
@forsquare - search for places in Forsquare
@vkmusic_bot - VKontakte audio search
@aleksobot - Alyosha bot for converting outgoing text messages to voice format
@voicybot - translates all voice messages and audio files (.ogg, .flac, .wav, .mp3)
@GmailBot - Gmail Bot developed by the Telegram team
@radiobot - provides access to the archive of broadcasts of various radio stations, both Russian and foreign. The audio stream is broadcast in AAC+ format
@yamelodybot is a Yandex.Music bot. Allows you to identify unknown musical compositions
@rss4you_bot - allows you to use Telegram as an RSS reader to work with news sources
Some bots can be launched immediately inside any chat by mentioning them in a message.